The Fated Folk
The Fated are races of myth that are believed to live forever; beyond death in some way. Some of these races have a lifespan in the thousands, found in the oldest myths of humanity, and each is considered a hero or villain in their own right. The Fated Folk each come with their own unique abilities, weaknesses, and cultures, having solidified their place among the races of Earth.

The Things that Lurk
Monsters of all stripes, those creatures and beings which strike fear into the hearts of others by their mere presence, the creatures found in many a myth and tale. Oftentimes these beings are those that are slayed at the end of the day to save the damsel or those which the hero must fight to win the story. From dragons to walking plants, the things that lurk have wandered out of the pages of myth into the modern era.
Those Above, Those Below
These are the two ends of the metaphorical pendulum of reality; the inhabitants sitting highest of all, and the denizens of those places lower than low. They represent the eternal struggle between good and evil, each striving to win over the other. In this never ending battle, balance is achieved-- regardless of who it consumes...

The Walking Dead
The stereotypical creatures from a horror flick, those beings born of death and animated to a semblance of life that does its best to blend in and often falls short. A zombie staggering along to a being that feeds entirely on blood and the spirits tied to the world of the living by a thread of fate. The Walking Dead encompasses all the beings pull from death to live anew.
The Gifted
This category represents humanity in its simplest form. Witches and Necromancers, Human Mages and Shifters of all shapes and forms. The Gifted are those who either have no abilities or have been gifted with the quirk of weaving magic or even with the ability to shift forms, sharing their soul with an inner beast.