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Every player starts with 8 skill points, each level cost 1 skill point. Example: Bladesmith intermediate would cost 2 skill points.


All the skills below come in three different levels beginner, intermediate and advanced, each giving a +5 to any rolls pertaining to the skill. Each skill rank costs a single skill point to gain, thus you can start with advanced in a skill if you choose to spend three points on the skill. Note that you will gain skill points as time goes on, thus it is possible to increase skills over time.



You can gain 1 skill point by participating in a simwide event and submitting roleplay logs to the tickets channel in the discord or sumbitting a notecard with the roleplay logs in the mailbox marked "Skill Point Submission" at the landing zone. We want to urge people to participate for roleplay and not just to gain skill points, so a simple "Hi everyone" and then leave interaction will not be admitted for skill points.

Job Roleplay:

If your character has a job, you can gain 1 skill point by participating in a job roleplay and submitting roleplay logs to the tickets channel in the discord or sumbitting a notecard with the roleplay logs in the mailbox marked "Skill Point Submission" at the landing zone. We want to urge people to participate for roleplay and not just to gain skill points, so a simple "Hi everyone" and then leave interaction will not be admitted for skill points.

Faction Roleplay:

If your character joins a faction, you can gain 1 skill point by participating in a faction roleplay and submitting roleplay logs to the tickets channel in the discord or sumbitting a notecard with the roleplay logs in the mailbox marked "Skill Point Submission" at the landing zone. We want to urge people to participate for roleplay and not just to gain skill points, so a simple "Hi everyone" and then leave interaction will not be admitted for skill points. 

Learn the Skill ICly:

Your character can also gain a skill point by icly learning the skill of their choice, the skill must be taught by someone of an intermediate level in said skill. Learning the skill must span over atleast two separate rps as it can take time to learn certain things, and we believe this helps create rp for everyone involved. The skill your character learns is what the skill point will be applied to (I.E if you character learns the forgery skill, the skill point will go into the forgery skill, instead of gaining an arbitrary skill point.)

Acrobatics: Agility and flexibility for performing acrobatic maneuvers.

Animal Handling: The capability to tame, train, and communicate with animals.

Bladesmith: The knowledge and ability to create bladed weapons. They know the parts, the sharpening, the art in hilts, etc.

Blacksmith: The knowledge and ability to create things from Iron and steel. Things ranging from weapons to basic raw jewelry that they could sell to jewelers.


Cryptography: Deciphering codes, ciphers, and secret messages(non technological).


Forgery: The knowledge and ability to create documents, or valid signature on documents illegally. Signatures, banknotes, IDs, Court orders, warrants, etc., but not limited to.


Gunsmith: The knowledge and ability to create weapons of the gun accord. They know the parts, what goes where, how it works and can teach someone.


Hand to Hand: The knowledge and ability to learn different fighting styles and be able to put them into action, whether it be Tae Kwon do, Krav Maga, etc.


Herbalism: The scientific study of plants, including their physiology, structure, genetics, ecology, distribution, classification, and economic importance. They know what plants grow in what kind of environment and can put it into action.


Homemaking: Characters proficient in homemaking excel in cooking, cleaning, decorating, and household management. This skill enhances party well-being, aids in negotiations, and can be crucial for survival in certain scenarios.


Investigation: The action of investigating something or someone; formal or systematic examination or research.


Larceny: Your character is familiar with tools and techniques for the sorts of physical manipulation typically associated with criminal activity. Picking locks, safecracking, simple hotwiring, various forms of breaking and entering, and even sleight-of-hand all fall under the auspices of Larceny.


Leadership: The ability to rally allies, make strategic decisions, and command in combat or other situations.


Locksmith: The knowledge and ability to create, dismantle, repair, and alter locks, ranging from car locks, home locks, padlocks, etc. By having this skill, they have a perfectionist mindset and pay attention to the tiniest of details over everything.

Melee: The knowledge and ability to use weapons that are close-range attackers. Swords, daggers, machetes, bo staff, etc.

Medical: The knowledge, practice, and skill to take care of the injured, sick, and even healthy. This gives the traits of any PhD Doctor/Surgeon to the player.

Nimble: Is the ability to change the body's position quickly and requires the integration of isolated movement skills using a combination of balance, coordination, speed, reflexes, strength, and endurance.

Paranormal: Fortune telling, occult knowledge, supernatural lore.

Performance: Performing music, storytelling, or poetry to inspire allies or manipulate emotions.

Pharmaceutical: The knowledge and ability to create drugs, both medically and recreationally for every different type of race once the biology is known of said race.

Pickpocketing: The art of stealing items from pockets or pouches of unsuspecting targets.

Projectiles: The ability and skill of eye-hand coordination to throw objects precisely to hit their, or very close to their target. This can be throwing knives, shuriken, to basic household objects like straws or even bobby pins.


Projectile Weapons: The Knowledge and ability to use weapons that shoot projectiles. Guns, crossbows, bows, etc.


Race Knowledge: This gives characters knowledge of a chosen, singular race and will allow them a deeper understanding of all aspects of said race.


Science: In depth knowledge on a single branch of science that is chosen when this skill is picked. This skill can be picked multiple times.


Silversmith: The knowledge and ability to create things from silver. Things ranging from weapons to basic raw jewelry that they could sell to jewelers.


Stealth: Cautious and surreptitious action or movement.


Wilderness Lore: Knowledge of surviving and thriving in the wild, including navigation and shelter-building.

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