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Lifespan: They live a long time or unless they have rotten to nothing

'Night of the Living Dead'? 'World War Z'? '28 Days Later'? These famous movies, television, video games, and books have been a source of much ire for the undead population. Like all the other races, human took their imagery and used it as propaganda during the wars between them and supernaturals, but its quite widely known that undead - or 'zombies' as they call themselves - got it the worst. 
Now, don't get it misconstrued; you don't get to call an undead a 'zombie' if you aren't one. It's a slur; the 'Z' word, if you will. It's offensive, rude, and implies that undead are mindless, shambling freaks who only want to eat your flesh-- they aren't any of those things. But if you get caught thinking you're slick? You might just find a few angry undead, ready to... coach your mouth, shall we say.
Undead aren't a violent people, but they are frustrated, and nationless to an extent. They are a species created through various unnatural and dark means, and thus, have no true home or origin. Not to mention, many individuals are repulsed by them. They regard each other as a collective in a different way than other societal group; undead are quick to help one another, but often suspicious of others. They have an understanding between their people, a solidarity born of camaraderie. You and I will never understand-- not unless we become Undead.


Race Appearance:

Undead are corpses re-possessed of life, in some form or fashion. The severity of the trauma they faced in death reflects their appearance in life. A person who died by poisoning might look pristine in their resurrection, unless they were given time to rot after their death. Often their skin looks grayish, and the skin can bloat and droop as time passes-- there is no more collagen in the skin to create elasticity. Fur and hair will not grow back once it falls out, the follicles dead and gone.


Basic Abilities

Regenerative Flesh

So long as a wound is not fatal, the Undead will regenerate almost any damage that they take. The effect does take some time to fully work itself through, taking up to two days at max for the worst of injuries. The regeneration quickly gets rid of smaller wounds, such as pin pricks and general scrapes and bruises, though if an injury is too much, it may take the help of a skilled necromancer to put the undead back to rights.

Pseudo Life

While the Undead are not truly alive as they once were, they are still able to generally pass for living at first glance, provided that they are being taken care of properly. Additionally, their heart still beats, albeit very slowly and it is only to pump their necrotic blood through their veins, keeping them in their lifelike state.

Necrotic Blood

An unexpected, or entirely expected, ability that came from the raising was the ability for the Undead to turn another mortal into a newly raised; this effect requires a fair amount of the Undead’s blood to be ingested and the mortal must survive the wasting sickness that comes from this, but if that occurs, then they will ‘die’ then rise once more upon the next day as a newly risen Undead. Additionally, due to the cursed power that lingers in the blood of an Undead, anytime that it touches another living being, it will burn as if it was acid, filling the being with immense pain.

Perfection in Death

​The raising process generally fixes all “defects”  that the Undead might have had, any broken bones are mended, eyesight is fixed and disfigurement is repaired; this is all to make the Undead a better hunter than it would be with the impairments. This additionally gives the Undead a sense for the living, pulling them towards life like moths to a flame.

Painless Existence

After the ordeal a new Undead must go through to become what they are, their nerves are almost entirely shot and dead. This detriment allows for the Undead to ignore and not feel any and all pain, save the pain that comes with their head or heart being removed.

Newly minted Undead can only have one of the following abilities

Flesh and Shield

​The process of turning made the Undead much hardier than others, allowing it to be much harder to put down than its compatriots. This Undead can take more hits than others, their flesh is naturally stronger, making it harder to pierce and additionally it requires that both the head and the heart be removed before the Undead truly is put down once more. (This does make it harder to chop off the Undead’s head as well)


The Grace of Death

This Undead came out of the process much faster than it was beforehand, gaining quicker movement and reflexes. This ability allows the Undead to move faster than expected and grants a faster reaction time than their slower compatriots; this also brings the Undead a more graceful movement, allowing it to walk and appear much closer to living.

General Abilities

General Weaknesses

Mortal Wounds

Anything that would be considered mortal is something that an Undead cannot just heal themselves from, and a shot to the head or heart will put them down very quickly.

Blessed Silver

​Any Silver blessed by a Priest, Witch or otherwise will almost always halt the regenerative abilities of the Undead, forcing it to seek outside help to heal itself. This effect applies on touch or to any wound created by the silver, due to this effect Undead are often mistaken for a Dracula or some other creature.

Racial Tidbits


With being undead it comes pretty standard that the main food source is flesh or raw ‘meat’ but it comes from humans. That is if you are the product from Necromancy. If you are the product from being bitten your food source is normal though you need far more meat to counter the hunger. Any meat will help. Yes, even animal meat for you!


Most polite society only tolerates the inclusion of the Undead in anything and that is on a good day when people are on their best behavior. On average, expect people to treat you with a bit more mistrust if they figure out what exactly you are.

Race Limitations

Extra Abilities

Pick Five Abilities

Body Part Substitution

Undead with this ability can replace one of their limbs with another limb, this can happen only once a month and cannot replace their head without help from human with the Biocybernetics.

Undeath Touch

Undead with this ability have the power to inflict harm or disease upon living creatures through physical contact or a mere touch, this cannot be fatale and damage will be agreed upon between players. This can happen only once a week and consent is required.

Invulnerability to Normal Weapons

Many undead are impervious to conventional weapons, requiring specific methods or magical items to harm them.

Possession Immunity

Undead with this ability cannot be possessed temporary or permanently.


Historically, those with Prophetea were considered an oracle. Those with Prophetea can use any method they wish to divine the future. These are the individuals who are most likely to receive visions, or warnings,  of present or future events.

NOTE: When doing readings for other players, CONSENT is paramount. 

The ONE exception to this rule is when those with this ability receive Storyteller visions regarding another player.


- All players with the Prophetea ability will receive visions from the storytellers at random times.

- In the case of Sim-wide plots, those with Prophetea may, upon receiving Storyteller visions, submit tickets for additional information in the form of visions.

- All those with Prophetea may request visions for individuals they are doing readings for from storytellers.  

- All those with Prophetea should discuss the potentials of their reading with their partner– ask permission, and get details the player is comfortable with sharing in a scene. If you are struggling, seek out a Storyteller.

Undeath Aura

They may emit an aura of death or decay that affects the living and weakens them.

Limited Invulnerability

This ability grants immunity to specific damage types like poison, disease, or mind-affecting effects. (Pick a type)

Fear Aura

Undead with this ability can instill fear in those not immune to fear by their presence alone. This last for only one interaction but there may be lasting effects on the player, but that is up to the player effected by Fear Aura.

Drain Life

Undead with this ability can drain life from mortal or living beings, this cannot be fatale(unless agreed upon) and often only extends to downing a player for a single interaction. This must be discussed and agreed on by both players.

Curse Casting

Undead are be able to cast curses on the living, bringing misfortune or harm. The amount of time the curse last must be agreed upon by humans and cannot have fatale effects unless agreed upon.

Suggest an Ability

Insert a suggested ability to be reviewed.

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