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Lifespan: Couple hundred years longer than most Humans.

At first glance they can seem to be a plain Jane or John doe like anyone else. But that isn’t the case when looking at them with a fine tooth comb. Rather they can tend to run hotter in core temp, emotions can be more erratic, and lets not forget the main event for them. Shifting. They can shift into an animal. Some find this to be a curse they wish to rid themselves of while others look upon it as a blessing. Turned versus Born.


Race appearance:

Human in appearance, from skin tone, hair, eye coloring. They may run hotter. They don’t look much different from humans when in homid form. Under extreme emotional outburst however they may partially shift. Shifting from nails to claws, or their jaw shifting to a muzzle. Ears from human to their animal form. Some with practice and concentration can even walk about with some parts on show, ears, tail and such. When fully shifted they take on the form of their inner animal.


Basic Abilities


All shifters no matter the type of animal no matter if they are born or turned have the ability to shift into their animal form. Or from animal form to their Human kind.


They tend to have keener senses than those of their normal human counterparts. With that being said their sense of smell is heightened better just as well as the true animal would have, as well as eyesight and alike.


Have more of a natural strength to them than a normal human would.


Due to their fast metabolisms Shifters heal rather quickly unless its a wound that would be mortally wounding, or caused by silver or bane. Shifters are safe from most illnesses and diseases that plague humanity.


With the continuously breaking to and from forms their bones are almost rubber like, meaning they find themselves to be rather limber.


As they naturally run hotter as their core temperature it is not unlikely to find them in summer clothing during winter. Though most choose to wear winter clothing if they want to ‘fit’ in. The cold wouldn’t actually bother them like it would most.

General Abilities

General Weaknesses

Silver & Bane

All shifters will find themselves deathly allergic to Silver and banes (Plant). Coming into contact with either one can cause them unable to shift to animal form. If in animal form they will shift back to humans. Silver causes burns, where bane will cause a toxin to their system. Both make healing near impossible to kick in. Leaving them to heal at a normal human pace.


Shifters are subjected to rage as they deal with a more animalistic primal urge and a more human one. This leaves it where they are not only dealing with one outlook on emotions. Younger shifters will find it harder to control while older shifters can find it easier to hold in the outburst of rage. This can also in some cases of life or death cause a frenzy reaction. Leaving the shifter to hulk out. Having that innate need to attack and destroy anyone and thing in its path, at times it won’t even matter if you are kin.


During a Full moon all shifters have the need to shift. It doesn’t matter how old, young, born or turned. You can try to fight it, but in the end the moon's pull always wins and you will find yourself shifting.

Racial Tidbits


With higher metabolism they have to consume larger quantities of substance. Meat being one of the main food groups they need to consume. Though they can eat anything normal humans can.


Those born with it have had more time to come to terms with how things will pan out during the moon phase, they know how much to consume to function without issues. They also tend to look down on those turned.

Race Limitations

Extra Abilities

Pick Five Abilities

Pack Mentality

Shifter with this ability gain +5 on rolls when working in a group of your specific species.

Call Animal

The shifter with this ability has a special connection with a specific type of animal and can call and control groups of them at a time. Only normal animals can be called.

Communicate with Animals

Mental communication with animals of a single type. For example, all canines, all felines, all avians. This includes shifted lycanthropes that fall in the defined group. It requires eye contact to use.


The shifter with this ability can manipulate their biology to cope with harmful environments. Not going to be able to survive in a void or on the sun but up on Mt. Everest or in Death Valley, sure. 

Shift Healing

Shifters with this ability can heal most damage/wounds immediately when shifting between forms. This excludes Silver and Bane, and can only be used only 5 times per full moon cycle.


Historically, those with Prophetea were considered an oracle. Those with Prophetea can use any method they wish to divine the future. These are the individuals who are most likely to receive visions, or warnings,  of present or future events.

NOTE: When doing readings for other players, CONSENT is paramount. 

The ONE exception to this rule is when those with this ability receive Storyteller visions regarding another player.


- All players with the Prophetea ability will receive visions from the storytellers at random times.

- In the case of Sim-wide plots, those with Prophetea may, upon receiving Storyteller visions, submit tickets for additional information in the form of visions.

- All those with Prophetea may request visions for individuals they are doing readings for from storytellers.  

- All those with Prophetea should discuss the potentials of their reading with their partner– ask permission, and get details the player is comfortable with sharing in a scene. If you are struggling, seek out a Storyteller.

One with the Beast

Some shifters are much more in tune with their inner beast, allowing them to manifest some aspects of it without having to fully shift. (I.e. Claws or enhanced ears)

Calm the Beast

Some shifters are capable of calming the beast within another or even to calm an angry or frightened animal. This ability can be used to gain greater control of their beast when shifted or on a full moon.


Some shifters have an almost supernatural ability to track others that they have gained the scent of.

Shifter Free Slot

Choose an ability based on your form (If wolf, you have a wolf based ability.) Pending Admin approval.

Suggest an Ability

Insert a suggested ability to be reviewed.

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