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Lifespan: Eternal; unless exorcized by a necromancer, and even then they can be conjured back to the mortal realm. Their body has an expiration date, depending on the species possessed, refer to said species' page for lifespan.

Whether it's from the war, where inexperienced magic users would conjure spirits that could not return, thus leaving the spirits to wander the earth, or from spirits that find themselves wanting to move about the mortal realm, The Possessed are entities or items possessed by a spirit. They often wander alone or with people of other species, as there isn't a community of possessed. They don't have any cultural, political, or economic opinions, as they are seen more as visitors in the mortal realm. They tend to be on the frivolous side, wanting to experience life as they remember from their living days or wanting to experience what the living have if they never had a living form.


Race Appearance:

The possessed generally look like the host body, the longer the body is possessed the more they may show the possession. It can cause a slight discoloration in finger/toe tops, darker veins, and even a sickly under eye look. 


Basic Abilities

Pain Tolerance

Despite inhabiting a body and being able to feel through that body, a lot of their senses are dulled so they must do more to experience the pleasures but they also must be harmed more than a mortal to be affected. Their body will take standard damage despite the spirit not being affected.

Never Needy

Because they're spirits, they don't actually need much to stay alive outside of the basic needs of the body. They also can go longer between having to fill their needs as they don't feel the effects of hunger and tiredness, so they can push themself a little bit harder than the standard living can.

Supernatural Senses

Because The Possessed are often supernatural themselves, specifically spirits, they have a tendency to be able to sense when other supernatural beings are nearby. Their sense doesn't specify what kind of supernatural they are and it tends to be very dull so the entity must be within a few feet of them to be sensed.

Use of Ability

The Possessed can use minor attributes from the body’s abilities, meaning that if they inhabit a supernatural being or an extremely strong human, they're able to use that attribute anywhere from 5%-45%. If an ability requires some knowledge, they need to learn that skill to actually use it.

General Abilities

General Weaknesses

Surprise Status

Because they're not fully in tune with the body, if they are injured they will take longer to realize unless paying attention to their body. They also can sustain damage from not sleeping or eating enough, so if they push themselves too much or are not aware of how much they can push their needs, they will end up doing fatal damage to the body.


The Possessed can be exorcized by a necromancer or specialized priest, meaning if a necromancer is strong enough and has an issue with The Possessed, they could cause The Possessed to vacate the host body. The spirit can possess another body after a period of time, but it cannot be immediately as they are weakened from the exorcism.

Enchanted Item

If a possessed comes in contact with enchanted items that deter spirits, they will react and it can make them weaker.

Racial Tidbits

Pleasures of Life

The Possessed often engage in high levels of pleasure or addiction because they are not affected on a standard level like mortals are. That means if they drink, they must drink at least two times if not more than the regular amount to be affected, same with other vices such as cigarettes or drugs. Their taste is dulled, so when eating things like cakes, they are often seen eating entire cakes just to be fulfilled as someone with a single slice.

The Host Body

The Possessed can have a host body of just about any other supernatural race, aside from immortal species because there isn't anything for the spirit to link to.

Race Limitations

Extra Abilities

As a possessed, you are able to choose abilities from the race that your character is possessing (i.e if your character possessed a shifter, you may choose abilities off of the shifter list, but those abilities will be at a reduced level.) On top of the abilities from the possessed body's race, you may optionally choose from this list. Possessed get the standard 5 abilities, so if you choose all 3 abilities from the possessed list you may choose 2 from from the possessed body's race and so on.

Cold Spots

Possessed can create cold spots which create unnatural fear in anyone that passes through it.

Electro Interference

Possessed can interfere slightly with technology, meaning they can disrupt most pieces of technology for a temporary time(Decided between players or based on a dice roll for the time).

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