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Lifespan: Several hundred, entirely variable

Orcs are creatures of vibes, and vibrations only– no really. Their patron god, the club smashing, grog guzzling Honor God Zug had only a few needs of his people. Good combat, good food, and good fucking– that’s really about it. All these concerns, the traditional idea of family and good feelings, the idea of helping others when you may gain nothing in return– this is Good Zug, honorable Zug. Zug tells you to keep your crops watered, to love your friends, and fight honorably.

Perhaps this is why the Orcs, or Uorkuh, in their tongue, have maintained their centuries long rivalry with the Elves; elves have bad Zug. The two races were once defined by their hate for each other, spurred by misunderstanding and mistreatment. Some believe Orcs and Elves come from the same home-world, with the harsh landing on earth lowering the mighty elves, and lifting up the once unevolved orcs as they flourished under the gravity and sunny sky.

To some, they look to be a terrifying reminder of the danger of following your urges. To others, the Orcs have become well known among the races for their martial ability and strength, their boisterous community traditions, and their desire to blend comfortably into their new place on Earth, as protectors, fighters, lovers, and smashers. So long as there’s no dirty knife ears around.


Race Appearance:

Their most prominent feature are their tusks– every orc has a proud set of tusk jutting out from their jaw. They are usually quite muscular, with wide and heavy bones that are much stronger than other races. They come in a great variety of colors, some green skinned and some red skinned, depending on the climate. They also vary widely in height, from squirrely frames that only reach 3 feet tall, to massive and hulking; the tallest recorded orc was 10 ft, 6 in.


Basic Abilities

Enhanced Physique

Muscular, toned, lean or buff, every orc is made of muscle. They can easily lift heavy objects, hit things very hard, and grip very tightly.

Powerful Minds

An Orc can accomplish pretty much any task they set their mind to. They can be builders, architects, writers, doctors, or magicians, with no less ease than any human who sets their mind to a life goal.

Community For Life

Most Orcs tend to move into neighborhoods where there are many of their own kind, due to ancient religious practices. It is Good Zug to know your neighbors names and treat them as family– this can often lead to huge communities of Orcs living in the same area (For example, picture a ‘Greek Town’ or ‘China Town’). They will have massive festivals and block parties, with religious ritual practices of sacrifice and performance, thanking Zog for their prosperity, and the prosperity of their neighbors.

Magical Apptitude

Not every Orc has the ability to practice magic, but their culture has a long history of using ritual practices to achieve certains ends. These days, some of the most talented mages and spiritualists are Orcs, with a deep respect for nature, the Earth, and the balance of life and death. Necromancers, Shamans, Druids, and Seers, there really is no limit to what an orc with magic can accomplish.

Enhanced Strength

Expanding upon their physique, most orcs can lift a person with ease, even someone over 250 lbs (114 kg), and when enough adrenaline is pumping, they can do much more impressive things– lifting a car, or knocking down a tree, for example.

General Abilities

General Weaknesses

Reduced Dexterity

 Being so big, orcs naturally are a bit clumsy. With such big hands and limbs, it becomes harder to use smaller tools or weapons, as orcs simply aren’t suited to them.

Honorbound to Die

Orcs are prideful to a fault, and most carry their reputation as their most precious possession, for without it, they have nothing. For this reason, the worst punishment an Orc can be given by his community is banishment. To be cast out from your brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers– death is worse, by comparison. To this end, many Orcs commit to ending their own life, for the purpose of regaining honor in the eyes of their family, or community.

Stealth Reduced

Being so big, hiding and sneaking can be a challenge, or downright impossible depending on the surroundings.

Racial Tidbits


Orcs have a varied diet, having mastered farming and agriculture early. They tend to be omnivores, having no particular aversion to any foods. Fish, breads, sugared foods– it depends on the preferences of the orc.

Not Savage

Orcs are not savages, war-minded, or into raping and pillaging. At least, not any more so than any other race. They can be brutal, fierce, and violent, but only as much as any other human, or elf, or other race.

Race Limitations

Extra Abilities

Pick Five Abilities


Used to heal and enlighten, using ceremonials which can include rhythmic music, mind altering drugs and mythic journeys into the subconscious.

Size Shifting

Ability to increase or decrease one's size and increase or decrease one strength proportionally as well.


Ability to track an individual or object through supernatural means; sometimes referred to as "pathfinding"


The ability to control and manipulate metals to the whim and will of the user.

Kinetic Control

The ability to absorb energy to oneself. This energy is usually obtained through being punched, kicked, shoved, thrown, etc. The energy of force and movement is hoarded until the user is ready to expel it, the effects of which can be quite massive.

Matter Ingestion

Ability to consume any sort of matter without any ill effects on the user.


Historically, those with Prophetea were considered an oracle. Those with Prophetea can use any method they wish to divine the future. These are the individuals who are most likely to receive visions, or warnings,  of present or future events.

NOTE: When doing readings for other players, CONSENT is paramount. 

The ONE exception to this rule is when those with this ability receive Storyteller visions regarding another player.


- All players with the Prophetea ability will receive visions from the storytellers at random times.

- In the case of Sim-wide plots, those with Prophetea may, upon receiving Storyteller visions, submit tickets for additional information in the form of visions.

- All those with Prophetea may request visions for individuals they are doing readings for from storytellers.  

- All those with Prophetea should discuss the potentials of their reading with their partner– ask permission, and get details the player is comfortable with sharing in a scene. If you are struggling, seek out a Storyteller.


The user goes into a rage like state that enhances their desire for bloodshed, this will increase their pain tolerance and strength for a short period (They receive an extra heart and +10 to melee or hand-to-hand)


Orcs are commonly known as being fearless, meaning fear based magic and intimidation is less effective, when rolling all fear based magic or intimidation takes -30 on orcs with this ability.

Suggest an Ability

Insert a suggested ability to be reviewed.

Scavenging & Rigging

Orcs can repurpose material and find tools and weapons with greater ease. Anything can be a weapon if you try hard enough.

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