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Magically Inclined

Lifespan: Witches live up to 200 generally 100-150. Necromancers live up to 400 generally 350-375.

The Gift of Magic does not choose everyone and on the whole it is a bit more rare than many might expect. Witches are the few humans amongst the many that, through some twist of fate or some deal they made, can wield and manipulate magic in the form of spells. A prepared Witch is a dangerous one and on the whole if they have more time to prepare, then they have more time to craft a spell to defend themselves or build a ward around their home to shield it from entry. A Witch is one of the more versatile things to be as they can make something to prepare for almost every contingency with the right time and information. A Witch is also generally found within a Coven, drawing strength from comradery and protection in numbers. Similar in nature to Witches, there are those who are gifted with the ability to wield magic but lack the full ability to weave spells or to craft spells. These people instead have an inherent connection to the domain of Death, reaching into the void and drawing power forth from it. The people who wield this power are referred to colloquially as Necromancers, and they have been seen in multiple different cultures across the world for as long as humans have wielded magic. Oftentimes they are seen as the villain of a story, but their power and abilities is entirely neutral, just a tool as all magic is.


Basic Abilities

The Sense

A witch has the inherent ability to feel magical things about them, it's like a slight pull on their mind that draws them towards the source of power. This can be used to sense other beings that wield magic, though it generally is only possible to sense them while magic is being used. (Some races are much more magical at a base and generally cannot prevent this ability from sensing them even if they are not using magic. I.e. Fae and other Fated races)


This is what sets a Witch apart from any normal human off the street, the ability to wield magic can come from many different things. Some witches are just born with the ability out of nowhere in a normally mundane line, some are from a long bloodline of practitioners of magic and still others made a deal with some otherworldly thing for their powers in return for service. (These can be Fae, Angels, Demons)



All Necromancers are natural born mediums, their connection to death readily apparent from even a young age. Spirits of the dead cannot hide from a Necromancer and they are always aware when something dead is nearby… no matter how well hidden they are.

Death Magic

The ability to wield the magics associated with death are unique to a Necromancer, and they are uniquely suited to wielding said magics to the fullest. Any other that could attempt to touch the power that lies in death would be swiftly consumed, while a Necromancer bargains with death to escape its draw.

Death Siphon

Feeding off the energies that are released when something dies, a Necromancer can replenish their own energies, helping to lessen the cost that Death asks of them when they wield their magics.

Spellcraft | Potioncraft

The main and most important ability for a Witch is the ability to craft their own spells and rituals as well as potions. Anything that they set their mind to can be created, though there are limits as with all things. Big Magic or High Arcana or High Magic (Terms are interchangeable) is normally not wieldable by a single Witch and often these spells take a Coven to cast. Generally a Witch also incorporates their Source into their spells, but it is not required. (A Source is an element or concept… it may also be their patron that is supplying the ability to wield magic to the witch)

The Familiar

One of the things that is available to any Witch is the ability to bond with a Familiar, a quasi-magical animal that acts as a companion for the Witch and also can assist them in other ways. The Familiar can act as a lookout, can attack another if needed or even can be used by the Witch to spy on others, though Familiars generally have a harder time blending in than normal animals as they always look just a bit too intelligent to be normal.


A Witch can craft a magical talisman known as a Ward, these talismans can come in many different types and can also do many different things. A Ward is almost always defensive in nature, driving away certain races or defending the Witch from certain harm; a Ward may also be stationary, placed within a building or area to shield it in much the same way as the talisman would a Witch.



One of the mainstay abilities of a Necromancer is the ability to reach into the void and pull some of its power out to shove into a corpse, animating it to follow the will of the Necromancer. Generally a Necromancer can have at most three thralls active at a time, any more than that and the drain on their own life force and power becomes too much to maintain.

The Magics of Death

This is the specific magic inherent to Necromancers and what they design all of their spells around. It should be noted that this power is far more draining than normal magic, but it can also do far more damage as well. One example would be a spell that weakens a vampire to where it could not attack the Necromancer, but in return the Necromancer would have to do very little for a good while depending on the strength of said Vampire.

Bound Spirit

Similar to a Witch’s Familiar, a Necromancer can bind a spirit to themselves in a pact of sorts, allowing them to use the spirit as a spy or even as an additional component in a spell or ritual.

General Abilities

General Weaknesses


Magic always comes at a cost, that is the cardinal rule of using it and Witches know this cost best. Every spell cast takes a bit of strength from the one who casts it and the bigger the spell, the bigger the draw; this drain can be lessened by casting in tandem with more Witches, but it can never be fully negated.


The Pull of Death

The power wielded by a Necromancer comes at a great cost to the user, draining them of their lifeforce and generally making them appear as if they are much weaker and closer to death than they truly are. Any use of their power always comes at great cost.

Sacred Ground

Do to either true divine power or the faith people place within it, anywhere that is considered sacred ground, a Necromancer is unable to enter… but it also has the odd effect that they can enter graveyards, but not chapels.



While they have other abilities beyond that of a normal human, those with magic are still in fact quite human, thus they can be killed and harmed in all the ways that humans normally are.

Racial Tidbits

The Witches Covenant

A Witch is only as strong as their Coven and a Witch on their own means danger. Witches are social beings, even if that social interaction is only one or two people, and as such they will almost always join with other Witches of like minds to themselves in a Coven. A Coven typically consists of at least three Witches who share a common goal or ideal, oftentimes it will be a type of magic used or perhaps it will consist of those who made a deal with the same being or type of being for magic; on the whole a Coven can by based in anything.

Only Human

While they possess fantastical abilities, magic wielders are still only human at their core and cannot easily escape the weaknesses that come with being human.


Cast outs

Most people are generally wary of the power that a Necromancer wields and there is an inherent feeling about a Necromancer that makes people uncomfortable.

Race Limitations

Extra Abilities

Pick Five Abilities

Blood Magic

Magically Inclined with this ability can use blood, typically one's own or that of a sacrifice, in rituals and spells for a dark desire. Meaning one can create a dark curse using this method against another player. The amount of time this curse lasts is decided upon between players and cannot be fatale unless agreed upon.

Mental Invulnerability

The magically inclined with this ability are immune to mental abilities/powers, meaning all types of psychic and mind control abilities will have a significantly harder time working(When using the dice system, the player trying to use a mental ability/powers will have a -40 to their roll)


Magically Inclined with this ability are able to communicate with the spirit realm. (Note that Necromancer’s have this at base)

Animal Manipulation

The ability to influence or manipulate animals or shifters when the shifters are in animal form only.  Can also speak to animals, including ONLY familiars that are actually animals and not spirits.

Fear Manipulation

The magically inclined with this ability are able to amplify another being's fear, this only last one interaction unless discussed between players. 


Some beings can bend light to their wills, creating bursts where none should be and playing with them. This is more than what can be done with chicanery as these bursts of light can disrupt and destroy shadow-powers and can be sustained for a longer duration. (Needs to have a bargain with Angel)

Power Augmentation

The magically inclined with this ability are able  to enhance or weaken the powers of others. this can only be done once a day and last only a single interaction.


Ability to summon Demons, Fae if you have a contract with one, and Spirits of all supernatural beings.


Some Beings can bend darkness to their wills, creating pools of shadow where none should be and playing with them. This can be used to obscure activity but the shadows remain shadows. This can also be used to shroud oneself in shadow to better hide.


Historically, those with Prophetea were considered an oracle. Those with Prophetea can use any method they wish to divine the future. These are the individuals who are most likely to receive visions, or warnings,  of present or future events.

NOTE: When doing readings for other players, CONSENT is paramount. 

The ONE exception to this rule is when those with this ability receive Storyteller visions regarding another player.


- All players with the Prophetea ability will receive visions from the storytellers at random times.

- In the case of Sim-wide plots, those with Prophetea may, upon receiving Storyteller visions, submit tickets for additional information in the form of visions.

- All those with Prophetea may request visions for individuals they are doing readings for from storytellers.  

- All those with Prophetea should discuss the potentials of their reading with their partner– ask permission, and get details the player is comfortable with sharing in a scene. If you are struggling, seek out a Storyteller.

Suggest an Ability

Insert a suggested ability to be reviewed.

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