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Lifespan: Humans live around 70 to 90 years, though some individuals may live longer due to exceptional circumstances or magical intervention.

Humans are a versatile and widespread race known for their adaptability and ingenuity. They can be found in various cultures and environments across the supernatural world. With relatively short lifespans compared to some other races, humans make up for this with their resourcefulness and ability to rapidly learn and develop new skills.


Race Appearance:

Appearance wise, humans always look human, normal skin tones, normal height ranges and non magical body modifications. (Dyed Hair, Piercings, Colored Contacts). More fantastical things are definitely not a human appearance.


Basic Abilities


Humans can thrive in a variety of environments and situations due to their adaptable nature.

Learning Capacity

They possess the ability to learn and master a wide range of skills, from crafts to technology, making them quick learners.


Humans are adept at making use of available resources to solve problems and innovate.

Emotional Range

Their wide range of emotions fuels creativity, passion, and the development of complex social structures.

Survival Instinct

Humans have an innate fight or flight, giving them a chance at a gut feeling during combat with a supernatural. For freeform combat, your character will perform at the highest potential against a supernatural, and for the combat system, if you roll below a 7, you can reroll for a chance at a higher roll.

Technological Innovation

Humans excel at inventing and using technology to improve their quality of life.

Diverse Professions

They can pursue various careers, from skilled craftsmanship to scholarly pursuits.

Social Cohesion

Humans form tight-knit communities and societies that aid in their survival and progress.

Culture Expression

Their creativity is showcased through art, music, literature, and other forms of cultural expression.

Technological Advantage

Humans are the only race able to use the non-lethal supernatural repellent technology usually used by the police for detaining supernatural criminals. Note it is illegal for civilians to use said technology outside of law enforcement, so if found using it for personal use, they risk receiving severe legal repercussions.

General Abilities

General Weaknesses


Humans are physically vulnerable compared to some supernatural races.

Limited Lifespan

​Their relatively short lifespan can lead to a sense of urgency and impatience.

Susceptibility to Magic

Humans are more vulnerable to magical attacks and influences due to their lack of inherent magical abilities.

Emotional Instability

Intense emotions can lead to irrational behavior and decision-making.

Racial Tidbits


Humans require a balanced diet of various nutrients, which can vary by region and culture. Food is not just sustenance; it's also an important part of social bonding.


As mortals, humans are susceptible to aging, diseases, and mortality, making their existence inherently more fragile.

Magic Learning Curve

While capable of learning magic, humans might require more effort and dedication to become proficient compared to inherently magical races. (Keep in mind if your character learns any magic you must reapp as Magically Inclined.)

Power Disparity

Humans might find themselves at a disadvantage when dealing with powerful supernatural entities due to their lack of innate abilities.

Existential Questions

The relatively short human lifespan can lead to contemplation about the meaning of life and one's legacy.

Race Limitations

Extra Abilities

Pick Five Abilities


Capable of attempting to hack into anything from small personal to advanced companies or such. Personal hacks must be discussed oocly with the other player. Advanced hacks must have a dice roll and a storyteller present. 

Technological Weapons

Skilled in using any weapons with electrical components.  

Human Stubbornness

Likely due to everything that has happened to the race over the years of the war and just living in general, some humans have gained a stubborn resistance to effects that could compel or control them. This allows a human to resist any and all mind controlling affects aimed towards them, this effectively allows a human to roll twice and take the higher roll against a check if using dice.


The ability to deflect or cancel the active powers of others. This can only be used once per combat or scene and can only be applied to ONE Power/Ability, the item can be destroyed to end this effect.


Historically, those with Prophetea were considered an oracle. Those with Prophetea can use any method they wish to divine the future. These are the individuals who are most likely to receive visions, or warnings,  of present or future events.

NOTE: When doing readings for other players, CONSENT is paramount. 

The ONE exception to this rule is when those with this ability receive Storyteller visions regarding another player.


- All players with the Prophetea ability will receive visions from the storytellers at random times.

- In the case of Sim-wide plots, those with Prophetea may, upon receiving Storyteller visions, submit tickets for additional information in the form of visions.

- All those with Prophetea may request visions for individuals they are doing readings for from storytellers.  

- All those with Prophetea should discuss the potentials of their reading with their partner– ask permission, and get details the player is comfortable with sharing in a scene. If you are struggling, seek out a Storyteller.

Genetic Detection

The ability to sense the other races. (Technology Based) 

Power Detection

Ability to detect the powers/abilities of other beings (Technological based)


The application of cybernetics to biological science disciplines such as neurology and multicellular systems. This gives the knowledge and ability to create frankenmonster or repair them much like a doctor to a human. By having this skill, they have the fear and mistrust of normal technology, such as, phones, televisions, computers, etc.

Dark Webber

The knowledge and ability to log into, browse, and post on the Dark Web safely. When obtaining this skill, you run a higher risk of being hacked, traced etc without having the Hacker skill in addition, to protect yourself.

Easily Missed

Some humans just tend to fade into the background when surrounded by others or in a crowd. This gives the human a +30 to their stealth rolls when in large groups of people or in crowded places.

Suggest an Ability

Insert a suggested ability to be reviewed.

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