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Lifespan: Limitless, at least until killed

Timeless, Fae are found in almost every culture around the world in some form or another; generally each culture has a version of the truth about the species, but a full truth is much harder to pin down. The mercurial and oftentimes malicious race labeled as Fae have been around since time immemorial, and their morality is generally quite alien to most mortal races, causing labels to be formed about Fae. Some are seen as evil while others are seen as good, but the general rule to note is that none are truly good by human standards, there are just some Fae who are generally more helpful and some who are not. There are also a multitude of subspecies to Fae, each with their own quirks and general abilities, but there is some commonality between all of them. 


Race Appearances:

While a Fae can come in almost any shape and form that they please, they generally remain humanoid in appearance and if they have the ability to shift their form in some way, it normally is only into one other appearance. (This requires a specific ability to be taken) A few commonalities amongst them is a good portion have pointed ears, more fantastical eye colors and many are considered more attractive than most; this final is not a constant as many fae are quite nightmarish in appearance.

Fae blur.png

Basic Abilities

Kin Calls to Kin

A Fae is never truly alone as they always are aware when another of their kind is near. Upon seeing a being or just being near enough to them (Chat Range), any who possesses Fae blood can sense another that possesses it as well.

The Gift of Glamour

The ability to weave a convincing illusion about oneself; this ability allows Fae to walk amongst others without revealing themselves as Fae to the visible eye. All Fae possess the inherent and natural ability to create an illusion over themselves to appear as mortals do, looking to the eye as if they were human.

The Reflective Call

A reflective surface is more than just that to a Fae, to all Fae a mirror or mirrored surface is just a window… a way to communicate with another. This ability allows for a Fae speak to another being they have seen and know the name of through a reflective surface.



Mer are naturally amphibious as a whole, each member of the species capable of freely shifting from an aquatic form to one that can exist on land, moving around and appearing very similar to a human. 

Water Senses

While within water, a Mer can hear much better than average as well as smell any blood or anything else from much farther away, their senses on this point surpassing even that of a shark.This also applies as an improvement to their sight, allowing them to see much further and with perfect clarity

Toxin Resistence

All Mer have a natural resistance to most mundane toxins, the effect developed over time from their own diet that has a tendency to include some extremely toxic fish and other sea life. 

Spontaneous Magic

Some Fae are born with the inherent ability to alter and control the magic around them to produce a variety of effects. This ability appears similar to the spellcasting of those with other types of magic, but it differs in that the Fae does not need to ritualistically cast, they can produce the effect or magic with the most simple gesture. The Fae does need to speak to use this ability, shaping magic to their whim with words.

The Fae Deal

A general ability that all Fae posses is that of The Deal; this is almost like the ability to grant minor wishes to another, though it does come at a cost. A Fae can make a deal with another being in return for a cost that they deem necessary (Often, the deal is made to where the Fae comes out on top) and in return, the Fae grants the wish or desire of the deal. The Deal may also come in the form of a mystical contract, binding both the Fae and the other to their word and to the contract itself. 

The Preternatural Life

A Fae is generally a bit stronger or faster than one would expect, moving quicker than a human, packing a bit harder of a punch than on average; this ability is a nod to their less than mortal existence and their alien makeup compared to other races. This does not mean that the Fae can match some of the stronger races in strength or the faster in speed, just that they are just that little bit more so than one would expect.


The Siren's Call

All Mer possess a natural allure that makes them irresistible to most every race that there is and additionally their voices when singing or even speaking (This can be turned on and off) have an almost hypnotic effect to them; this effect can be used to gain a suggestive control of another, though those with strong enough wills can fight the effect.

The Domain of Water

Similar to the Water Elementals, Mer have the natural ability to manipulate and control water, though they cannot summon it from the air. When water is present a Mer can use it as both a weapon and shield or some even wield it in a way to allow a chance for themselves to escape from a confrontation.

Natural Weapons

When it comes to a fight, Mer can be quite vicious, especially since they all possess a set of natural weapons that can be used as needed. The teeth of a Mer can be shifted to become viciously sharp, each one becoming a point; their teeth also possess a minor toxin to them, making each bite from a Mer that much more dangerous to others. Additionally, a Mer’s nails can elongate into what almost resembles razor sharp talons.

General Abilities

General Weaknesses

Iron & Cold Iron

The most common weakness amongst Fae is that of Iron, contact with it negates all of their abilities while it is in contact as well as it burns their skin and causes damage that is much harder to heal from. Prolonged contact with Iron can poison a Fae and weaken it over time and will eventually kill the Fae if not removed. Cold/Dark Iron is considered a much more potent weakness to the Fae, any contact with it drawing power from them as well as burning them in such a way that it may permanently scar. This type of iron can also be fatal much quicker with contact and if the Fae survives, they may be permanently weakened.


This is not inherently a weakness that damages them in so much as it protects against their powers. A line of salt on entry points to a building can prevent a Fae’s power from passing over the threshold and an unbroken circle of salt can be used as a protection against Fae magics or it can inversely be used to contain power. 

Circle of Salt and Iron

When mixed with Salt, Iron shavings can create a trap of sorts, containing a Fae in a circle until the line that makes it is broken. 


Water Reliant

​If a Mer spends more than 12 hours out of the water, they will quickly start drying out, becoming sick and losing access to many of their natural abilities such as their water manipulation and their toxins. When getting back into the water after 12 hours, they are instantly shifted, whether the Mer wishes it or not.


All Mer possesses an innate compulsion to collect something, be it people, shiny objects, trash, etc.; this compulsion can slowly drive a Mer mad if they do not collect anything for more than two days. Each day following the two day mark makes the Mer just a bit more compulsive till they might break into a place to steal the object of their desires.


Mer have an innate bloodlust that appears in times of extreme emotion, no matter the type of emotion it can come to the forefront of their mind. The bloodlust drives them to attack whatever is nearest if the Mer is not careful, though it can be resisted for a time; the longer this is resisted, however, the harsher the bloodlust will be when it comes out. The bloodlust can only be alleviated by killing or drawing enough blood from something (Normal animals DO work to alleviate symptoms).

Racial Tidbits


Decadence is a simple term to describe the food consumed by Fae. While there is plenty of produce, many types do consume meat and many more consume it raw; it should be noted that Fae have a proclivity for a bit more savory and sugary foods, but it is not a required part of their diet. One must always keep in mind that partaking of food that is of the Fae puts one within their power and additionally can tie you to them intrinsically. 

Speak Not Lies

he general rule of thumb with Fae is that they are completely unable to knowingly lie, but that does not prevent them from misleading or making a truth fit what they wish to say. Be aware that Fae speak only the truth that they know.

Not Invulnerable 

While they can live forever, a Fae is not invulnerable to damage, and can still be killed. Many who are old enough will make a point to avoid battle if possible, if only to prevent any damage that might kill them.

True Name

 All Fae possess a True Name, something that they themselves know inherently and if it is known by another, it will put that Fae within their power. Any who possess the true name of a Fae can command that Fae and summon them using the name. 


Limited Time

Due to their need to be in water for at least half a day, Mer can only land walk for a limited amount of time each day without repercussions.


Be wary of extreme emotions as it can drive old instincts to the forefront, causing the Mer to go into a bloodlust and a frenzy of sorts.

Race Limitations

Extra Abilities

Pick Five Abilities


The Fated may conjure and manipulate the weather in an area around them. The weather can be anything from normal to full storms and at stronger levels, possibly natural disasters. Please list the scope in which your character would use this. REQUIRES ADMIN APPROVAL

Crafting Chimera

The ability to create and use Chimera is generally thought to be rarer amongst the Fated, but with time and practice almost anyone could craft one. This ability allows the Fated to craft a pseudo-living non-humanoid being, one completely composed of magic and elemental energies. The creation of one takes time and effort.


The ability to manipulate sound. Ability to determine the location of objects in the environment by the use of reflected sound waves, whether generated by the character or ambient sound. Also known as sonar or radar sense. 

Ephemeral Form

The being can turn themselves into mist, smoke, shadow or some other ephemeral form that is less noticeable and able to slip through cracks.

Portal Creation

The ability to create a portal from one area to another. This is usually within a range.


The ability to project a desire to reality.

Pheromone Manipulation

Ability to generate and control pheromones, which may have various effects.


Moving things with your mind. This only is up to about two to three hundred pounds and at max weight, limited to tossing across a room.

Suggest an Ability

Insert a suggested ability to be reviewed.


Historically, those with Prophetea were considered an oracle. Those with Prophetea can use any method they wish to divine the future. These are the individuals who are most likely to receive visions, or warnings,  of present or future events.

NOTE: When doing readings for other players, CONSENT is paramount. 

The ONE exception to this rule is when those with this ability receive Storyteller visions regarding another player.


- All players with the Prophetea ability will receive visions from the storytellers at random times.

- In the case of Sim-wide plots, those with Prophetea may, upon receiving Storyteller visions, submit tickets for additional information in the form of visions.

- All those with Prophetea may request visions for individuals they are doing readings for from storytellers.  

- All those with Prophetea should discuss the potentials of their reading with their partner– ask permission, and get details the player is comfortable with sharing in a scene. If you are struggling, seek out a Storyteller. 

An Affinity

Fae are all born with an inherent affinity for something, be it nature, healing, shadows, light, etc.; this ability manifests itself in some manner of control over that thing. (I.e. a Fae that has a Shadow affinity can mold shadows and create them to some degree.)

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