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Lifespan: About 10,000

Traditionally written as lovers of prosperity and beauty, the elven race was once considered an easy trope to reach for among the stories and fantasies of bored writers with too little sun. We described them as long limbed, long lived, and elegant to a fault, capable of great works of magic and might. Or, perhaps as cheery little companions who help us fight, and help us solve problems, ever trying to be useful.

They *are* great mages and great warriors, but those skills were honed long ago towards their eons long rivalry against the Orcs. Long, long ago, in a time before human histories could record, Elves - and possibly Orcs - came to this world in great ships; their own home world, dead and drained of magic and resources. Seeking shelter and few in number, they evolved fast to be predators and hunters at their core, mostly to combat the rougher, tougher races of the world– and the much more intense gravity and its strain on their physiology. 

If an elf spends much time in one location or around certain people, they will begin to reflect their surroundings, siphoning off survival instincts through osmosis. If they live in a forest, they will be one with the trees. In this modern era, they blend into the cityscape like devilish rouges, some tall and some small, foreigners to this realm forever, but intent on making it a home.


Race Appearance:

They possess overly large eyes that encompass about 30% of their face with a massive iris, and at night their pupils shine reflective to see in the dark. Their long pointed ears are meant for hearing in thick jungle or forest, with dextrous fingers that are threaded with hardened cartilage, meant for ripping flesh alongside their sharp teeth.

Their height, weight, and general appearance are very different depending on their environment. This is due to their genetics. This race is defined by its adaptability, an adaptability born of inherent psionic proclivities. For example, if an elf spends enough time underwater, they will eventually grow gills, and webbing between their fingers. They aren’t mermaids– growing a fish tail is quite a bit beyond their abilities, but this illustrates how varied their bodies can be.


Basic Abilities

Heightened Senses

An elf's sight, smell, and hearing are all quite good, though comparatively less than that of races like Shifters, or even Fae. They can perceive things incredibly far away from them– the text on a pencil across a room, or the smell of a barbeque 4 blocks over. The most useful of their senses is their ability to see in the dark, with pupils that enlarge and shrink to absorb light, much like a cat.

'Long Limbed'

Elves are not always short, nor always tall– their height ranges from around 4 ft to 6 ft.

Psionic Creatures

Elves are creatures of psychic intuition primarily. Their entire spirit is encompassed by their mortal body, and this spirit is able to interact with the environment around itself to achieve greatest survivability; this is theorized to be why an elf will look different depending on the nurture and nature of their upbringing. By default, they can speak without words to any elf within eyesight, using a shared racial telepathy.

Animal Agility

An elf can jump rather high, run quite fast, and tend to be rather dextrous in general. With enough momentum, an elf could run or climb a flat vertical surface, and when falling they tend to land on their feet, shifting their center of gravity through rotation in mid-air.

Magical Aptitude

An elf can be a skilled magic user, their power originating from the psionic nature of the spirit and its ability to manipulate its surroundings, normally without incantations or special spells. This magic tends to take many forms, from shapeshifting, telekinesis, mind reading and control, elemental manipulation, shielding allies, and many more.

General Abilities

General Weaknesses


When filled with too much sadness and despair, an elf will begin to fade until their spirit leaves their body. Things like depression, PTSD, or anxiety can be lethal to an elf. When the fading begins, an elf will become reclusive, turning away friends and family, and even refusing to eat or move. If one is unable to pull them from the fading, their spirit will be freed from their body, typically ascending into the sky on a journey to return to their fabled homeworld.

Deadly but Pretty

Elves are not the strongest of creatures. They are thin-boned and have sharp features, generally making them easy to knock down, if they can be pinned. They are skilled warriors all around, legendary in combat– but in matters of raw strength, they will always fall short. They are simply built too lean.

Racial Tidbits


They are consummate carnivores, preferring red meat and dairy over most other foods. They can eat vegetables and other foods, but they derive less nutrition from them.

Body Build

Elves are not big, buff, burly, brick shit houses. Much of the inspiration for this race comes from Elf Quest. If you aren’t comfortable with some keebler vibes, play a fae.


Their birth rate is so low that it traditionally caused them to live on the edges of society. These days, seeing one isn’t unheard of, but it could be one of the more interesting things a person encounters, going about their day.

Race Limitations

Extra Abilities

Pick Five Abilities

Crafting Chimera

The ability to create and use Chimera is generally thought to be rarer amongst the Fated, but with time and practice almost anyone could craft one. This ability allows the Fated to craft a pseudo-living non-humanoid being, one completely composed of magic and elemental energies. The creation of one takes time and effort.

Suggest an Ability

Insert a suggested ability to be reviewed.

Mind Control

Along with their ability to control their surroundings, and their own mind, elves can - occasionally - control the minds of others. It depends entirely on the age and strength of the elf, and often this skill comes with thousands of years of training. It is much easier to control the mind of a telepathic creature, and so elves are most likely to use this ability upon each other.
NOTE: When attempting to control another player, CONSENT is paramount. If a scene partner does not want to be controlled, then you cannot. Full stop. No other condition supersedes this rule.

Attempts to mind control another player can be made (1) time per day, regardless of how many scenes a player does in one day.

The affects of a successful mind control attempt may only last for (1) RP post.

Attempts to make a player character do something they otherwise wouldn't; kill themselves or a loved one, harm themselves or another, are in poor taste. Keep it simple, keep it believable.


Ability to relate details about the past condition of an object, being or location, usually by being in close contact with it.This also allows the user to gain glimpses of the current location of the object, being or location if not in contact with it.


Read the emotions of others at visual range. The gift is stronger when physical contact is maintained.

Memory Manipulation

The ability to control another’s memory. This is not an EASY gift. It takes time and concentration or the change will be noticeable and jarring to the individual, leaving gaps and black spaces in their memory. It is also Taxing Memory altering an entire crowd would take hours, taking each one, one at the time. Only works on lesser ranked beings.

Psychic Bond

A mind-link with another individual (of any race). This communication is one-way, nigh unbreakable and not bound by distance. It also allows the being to sense where the bond-mate is and in what condition. Taking this gift means being able to send thoughts to the bonded and see through their eyes. Any more bonds than 4 can strain a person's psyche.


The ability to project a desire to reality.


Moving things with your mind. This only is up to about two to three hundred pounds and at max weight, limited to tossing across a room.


Project to range your thoughts into another person's mind and listen to their responses. This is largely a communication based ability and able to be prevented with shields.


Historically, those with Prophetea were considered an oracle. Those with Prophetea can use any method they wish to divine the future. These are the individuals who are most likely to receive visions, or warnings,  of present or future events.

NOTE: When doing readings for other players, CONSENT is paramount. 

The ONE exception to this rule is when those with this ability receive Storyteller visions regarding another player.


- All players with the Prophetea ability will receive visions from the storytellers at random times.

- In the case of Sim-wide plots, those with Prophetea may, upon receiving Storyteller visions, submit tickets for additional information in the form of visions.

- All those with Prophetea may request visions for individuals they are doing readings for from storytellers.  

- All those with Prophetea should discuss the potentials of their reading with their partner– ask permission, and get details the player is comfortable with sharing in a scene. If you are struggling, seek out a Storyteller. 

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