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Lifespan: Limitless, so long as they remain un-killed.

An argument can be made that the Elementals are the oldest race in existence, but unfortunately they do not tend to keep records of their history, thus the conclusion is only speculation based on other accounts. The elements personified is the best way to describe these beings, it was as if when the elements came into being, some gained a consciousness and sentience. Elementals are often uncaring of the lives of mortal creatures, content to just live and exist for thousands of years at a time with nothing else going on. Every so often an Elemental will decide that they wish to experience life for a bit and will come out of their stupor to come live amongst others to learn some about them and satisfy their curiosity until their next pseudo hibernation. While many believe that Elementals and Fae are one and the same, it is purely because they closely reflect each other, but other than that they have existed alongside one another since the birth of their races.


Race Appearances:

While an Elemental can come in almost any shape and form that they please, they generally remain humanoid in appearance and if they have the ability to shift their form in some way, it normally is only into one other appearance. Generally, the Elemental will have an indicator of the type of Elemental they are, flaming hair or skin that is cracked like rocks would be a few common features to be seen, at least for fire and earth elementals respectively.


Basic Abilities

Born of the Elements

​All Elementals are born from a specific element from the overarching four elements. (Water, Earth, Fire, Air) This unique connection to a singular element allows the elemental to pull the element from nothing, conjuring it from only their own inherent connection and power. This also prevents an Elemental from taking any damage from their respective element when it is in its natural state.

Elemental Sight

Due to their unique connection with their inherent element, all Elementals are capable of sensing their element around them, discerning the direction of it and with practice and focus, the exact amount of the element.

Malleable Form

Being composed of elemental energy, the form of an Elemental is quite malleable, able to fit into smaller spaces or sliding under the crack of a door to escape a situation or to sneak into a location.

Master of their Element

Elementals are the true masters of controlling the elements; while some races may play at manipulating an element, the Elementals have complete control over the element of their origin, allowing it to be used as a weapon, shield or anything else the Elemental can think of.

Elemental Step

When coming into contact with their element, an Elemental can choose to step from that location to another containing their elemental with a single step. This effectively works as a short range teleport, allowing an Elemental to quickly move about an area provided they have enough of their element on hand.

Elemental Authority

All Elementals retain the ability to prevent another being from using their element, effectively disallowing access to it for a time, provided that the elemental remains focused. This ability can be overwritten by another elemental of the same type, but it comes down to a battle of wills between the two to determine who gets to decide what is being done with the element present.

General Abilities

General Weaknesses


Should the elemental be caught in a closeable container such as a bottle or jar while within their elemental form, they can become trapped within if the lid is closed. This can contain an Elemental indefinitely so long as the container remains closed.

Opposing Element

When an Elemental comes into contact with their opposing element, they will take more damage than normal, the wounds it creates taking much longer to heal than average. Prolonged contact can poison the elemental and weaken them greatly, eventually contact will lead to death for the Elemental. (The opposed element generally must be inside the elemental to cause significant harm, thus an Air can walk fine on the Earth, but generally shouldn’t be barefoot)

Elementally Reliant

An Elemental must be in contact with their element for at least 6 hours each day, this means that for that time they must be fully immersed within their element or they will wither, losing energy and eventually becoming quite ill.

Racial Tidbits


While they can consume normal food, an Elemental will not truly gain much sustenance from it, they instead gain their sustenance to live during the times in which they are immersed within their element.

Niche Existence

While they are extremely powerful within their element, an Elemental really is only ever comfortable within their element and they will be uncomfortable anywhere near their opposing element.


When caught it can be difficult for an Elemental to escape, depending on what they are caught within it could take some time to get out.

Race Limitations

Extra Abilities

Pick Five Abilities


The Fated may conjure and manipulate the weather in an area around them. The weather can be anything from normal to full storms and at stronger levels, possibly natural disasters. Please list the scope in which your character would use this. REQUIRES ADMIN APPROVAL

Crafting Chimera

The ability to create and use Chimeras is generally thought to be rarer amongst the Fated, but with time and practice almost anyone could craft one. This ability allows the Fated to craft a pseudo-living non-humanoid being, one completely composed of magic and elemental energies. The creation of one takes time and effort.

Suggest an Ability

Insert a suggested ability to be reviewed.

Force Field Generation

The ability to create a force field around oneself or others. Everyone under this AOE version of the shield ability may all roll their defense with advantage if using rolls. This ability is extremely taxing to use and requires that the user recover for a post round. The shield is formed out of the element of the Elemental, but in a solidified form.


This power will alter the state of small hand held objects, turning them from one material into another or one state into another (like solid to liquid.). This transformation lasts for as long as it is in the vicinity of the Being. Once away from the Being, however, it will dissolve into mush after one day regardless of the original form


Historically, those with Prophetea were considered an oracle. Those with Prophetea can use any method they wish to divine the future. These are the individuals who are most likely to receive visions, or warnings,  of present or future events.

NOTE: When doing readings for other players, CONSENT is paramount. 

The ONE exception to this rule is when those with this ability receive Storyteller visions regarding another player.


- All players with the Prophetea ability will receive visions from the storytellers at random times.

- In the case of Sim-wide plots, those with Prophetea may, upon receiving Storyteller visions, submit tickets for additional information in the form of visions.

- All those with Prophetea may request visions for individuals they are doing readings for from storytellers.  

- All those with Prophetea should discuss the potentials of their reading with their partner– ask permission, and get details the player is comfortable with sharing in a scene. If you are struggling, seek out a Storyteller. 


Some Elementals cannot truly be killed, at least not forever. This ability allows an elemental to be reborn from their element if killed, though they are reborn with a single heart and will be much weaker for a time.

Elemental Empathy

Some elementals are capable of gleaning information from the elements in their surroundings to learn things that they may otherwise not be aware of. This can be sensing invisible creatures or even gleaning some vague information about a crime that happened.

Reactive Phasing

An Elemental is capable of reactively shifting their form to avoid an attack that is aimed towards them. (This allows the elemental player to roll a defense with a +30 to it for a single attack). This cannot be used multiple times in a row.

Elemental Weapons

Some elementals are capable of manifesting solid weapons of their element to use in combat.

Elemental Connection

Elementals with this ability have the ability to detect anyone around them that could manipulate their element in some way. (Chat Range)

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