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Current Town Drug List

All drugs listed here are current drugs that can be found through roleplay icly within the towns limits. Possibly even outside of the town limits but it must be found through roleplay. 

Drug Name: Essentia Mortis

Street Name: Mandy Mortis, Mandi Candi, Mandi

Drug Description: Doses come in a single wrapped plastic in the form of what appears to be a paper doll. When opened, the doll stretches out to a candy floss (cotton candy) that has an eerie spectral glow when pulled apart. 

Drug affect: Allows the user to experience the euphoria of death. This magical drug is intended to trigger the brains natural response to dying. Many users describe an extreme euphoric high, disassociation, and hallucinations. It's rumored that with a strong enough dose, one can even travel to the astral planes, fae realms, or realms of death - though this is just a rumor. Long term use of the drug can result in high levels of addiction, with extreme cases of overdosing resulting in seizures, memory loss, severe existential dread,  suicidal thoughts and even death.

How to use the Drug: The drug is ingested orally, best placed under the tongue and left to melt in a similar fashion to acid doses.

Credits to the creator: Bunny.owo

Street Name: Sunchips 

Drug Description: Made from processing unicorn horns, these flakes when one is placed under the tongue will quickly dissolve. 

Drug affect: Mainly used as a party Drug. Causing a euphoric high and a pleasurable hypersensitivity to touch. Comes with a sensitivity to lights until the effects wear off, followed by a crash. - moderately addictive.

How to use the Drug: Place under the the tongue to dissolve, adventurous users might crush and snort. 

Credits to the creator: kiriishiki Resident

Street Name: Star Dust

Drug Description: Treated and dried, then ground, this drug is made from harvested pixie wings.  

Drug affect: If snorted the user will experience intense hallucinations, ranging from good or bad, losing touch with reality. If smoked, the hallucinations are more mild leaving the user lost in their own world for a much shorter time. - moderately addictive

How to use the Drug: Snorted or smoked

Credits to the creator: kiriishiki Resident

Street Name: Grease

Drug Description: Made from boiling troll fat, a naturally durable creature, then distilled into a thick, inoffensive serum.

Drug affect: the user first feels a brain rushing euphoria, followed by a body wide numbing of pain. And even mending of very minor scratches or similarly minor injuries. -Moderately addictive-

How to use the Drug: Injection

Credits to the creator: kiriishiki Resident

Street Name: Sleep Juice

Drug Description: Harvested from the air bladders of Sirens this oily drug is a popular downer.

Drug affect: Calming one down, making them feel heavy, this is a relaxing drug, and sleep aid. Good when you want to chill.

How to use the Drug: Smear along the gums or other membranes if you're weird. -mildly addictive

Credits to the creator: kiriishiki Resident

Street Name: Black Horse

Drug Description: A stimulating drug made from, Dullihan steed, a black poisonous mushroom found growing in Naylte warrens. Used as a combat drug, on the recreational market often by those who want overly rough experiences. 

Drug affect: This drug pushes one to the limit in strength, pain tolerance and endurance. Though this effect is mostly mental, due top a lack of normal inhabitation. Most users will feel an overwhelming irritability, ready to go off at the drop of a hat. Though this doesn't make you impervious to injury. -Dangerously addictive-

How to use the Drug: Consumed

Credits to the creator: kiriishiki Resident

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