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Lifespan: Unknown, oldest recorded had been 10,000

Dragons, enigmatic creatures of myth and fantasy, are surrounded by mysterious laws that govern their origin and behavior, evoking diverse reactions from those who encounter them. While commonly perceived as colossal, monstrous beings covered in scales, dragons come in a wide range of forms and sizes, each with unique traits and abilities. Born of ancient and sacred dragon magic, they possess remarkable powers, such as breath weapons and the ability to shift between dragon and human forms. In human guise, dragons often guide and protect humanity, emphasizing the deep connection between mortals and the mystical realm. These multifaceted beings are revered for their wisdom and benevolence, yet they can also appear primitive and aggressive in narratives.


Race Appearance:

Dragons vary in size and appearance, from serpentine giants to traditional Western dragons, with limb configuration serving as a defining feature. Rooted in their traditions and their connection to dragon magic, dragons uphold their laws and principles, ensuring order and balance in their mystical realms.


Basic Abilities

Form Shifting

All dragons possess the ability to shift their form from dragon to human kind. Or from human kind to dragon. In doing so they are not limited to which gender they shift to when going into human kind form. (OOC Note: With this not being limited, please note if you do both male or female looks when in human form that the look you go with on those forms are your two looks you will be stuck with feature wise.)

Draconic Abilities

A dragon's sense of smell and eyesight are one of the best out there; no matter the form they are in, they can be generally considered near the apex predator of the area. When in dragon form, their scales act as a natural armor that can be tougher than steel with the right care and maintenance from the dragon or rider.


With being a dragon comes the natural born ability to communicate within one's mind. In dragon form it comes more easily and can be done over great distances so long as one is close to those they are trying to connect. Otherwise it is limited to those in the vicinity and eye range. When in human kind form it's again easier with those that have a connection, close friends, relatives, or mates for example. For all others it is done with purely eyesight upon those you are trying to communicate with. (OOC Note: You are NOT able to gain memories or the like with this ability UNLESS the player OOCly states otherwise. This is MAINLY for communication only.)

Breath Weapon

All dragons, no matter the type are able to breathe out a stream of a particular element. This is no normal element either that can be created by humans or others. (Lightning, Cold, Fire, Light, ect) Example: Fire burns hotter, and faster. It has the power to incinerate another within mere seconds.

The Rider Bond

All dragons are capable of forming what is called a Rider’s Bond with a single other being at a time. This allows the dragon and being to essentially merge their consciousnesses into a single whole, sharing thoughts and feelings across virtually any distance. This is generally, if it is not already, formed into a relationship between the dragon and rider and even if a relationship is never formed, it is a blow to the dragon if the rider dies. This tends to send the dragon into a depressive state for a good while. (Do note that this does not allow a dragon or rider to be completely aware of anything happening to the other while they are not near, though with OOC consent this can happen, but everyone in the scene must consent before any information can be passed between the two at the moment. Information can be passed later during an rp between the dragon and rider) If the dragon so chooses they could create a sigil upon the rider's flesh with their fire as a means to channel the dragon's magic. (OOC Note: The Rider, if the dragon chooses this, does not come with the knowledge of how to weld it. It is something that must be mastered. And it takes a toll on the rider in using it. The Dragon is also able to cut that connection off when they please.)

Draconic Magic

All dragons are born with the ability to use magic. It runs in their blood essentially. It is very rare for a dragon to have the same type of magic as another. Though it is not impossible. As they mature they are able to better control their magic so it doesn’t affect their own wellbeing. Using their magic as a hatchling can result in a life or death situation, it takes a -huge- hit on their life when using it at a hatchling age.

General Abilities

General Weaknesses


They have this innate need to collect things that are just ingrained into them. If they do not collect whatever it is that has drawn their innate need after a period of 3 days it flips a trigger that can cause their emotions to heighten. Easier to snap in a rage. And with each day that goes by from there it only grows until it's an uncontrollable rage. This rage can also be triggered if someone is attempting to steal a part of their horde.

Dragons Bane

A seemingly harmless plant when coming into contact or ingested by anyone other than dragons. This seemingly harmless plant when turned into a liquid to use on weapons or ingested by a dragon is very toxic and can be life threatening if not treated.


Any bond that a dragon makes be Rider or a Mate has cons just as it has pros. Should a rider or mate end up harmed, it can cause an internal panic with the dragon. They can go into a rage and need to get to them quickly. For any harm done to any bond against the dragon can affect their own well being in the long run. Afterall, they create strong bonds, usually.

Racial Tidbits

Food Habits

The normal diet for dragons are goats, sheep, at times humans though most find them gamey. Most prefer the hunt for their prey though going to a butcher is another way to get it if in a quick need or no means to hunt it. As the years have gone on most have even turned to any form of meat that provides enough substance for their bodies.


It goes without saying that being a dragon no matter what type; flying is something that they can do. But with doing so, it leaves their wings open to be harmed.


Though with a rider is a great thing, it holds their pros and cons. But it is not something that a dragon begins with. It is something that takes time to forge. (One we want to see happen ON sim. Not starting with)

Race Limitations

Extra Abilities

Pick Five Abilities


The Dragon may conjure and manipulate the weather in an area around them. The area that is affected by this weather manipulation is a radius of thirty feet, gaining an additional thirty feet with each level of mastery, the weather over the entire City can be affected. Please list the scope in which your character would use this. REQUIRES ADMIN APPROVAL

Heat Manipulation

Ability to burn objects and other individuals with one's gaze or body.

Truth Speaker

The being has the ability to understand and speak any language that they have heard once, this is a passive ability and is always active.


The ability to control and manipulate metals to the whim and will of the user.


Historically, those with Prophetea were considered an oracle. Those with Prophetea can use any method they wish to divine the future. These are the individuals who are most likely to receive visions, or warnings,  of present or future events.

NOTE: When doing readings for other players, CONSENT is paramount. 

The ONE exception to this rule is when those with this ability receive Storyteller visions regarding another player.


- All players with the Prophetea ability will receive visions from the storytellers at random times.

- In the case of Sim-wide plots, those with Prophetea may, upon receiving Storyteller visions, submit tickets for additional information in the form of visions.

- All those with Prophetea may request visions for individuals they are doing readings for from storytellers.  

- All those with Prophetea should discuss the potentials of their reading with their partner– ask permission, and get details the player is comfortable with sharing in a scene. If you are struggling, seek out a Storyteller.


A personal shield that significantly hampers or hinders mental manipulations. This shield can with effort be extended to others but it is a draining use of the ability. The shield is only effective for a couple of hits generally. This ability gives you advantage on defense rolls against mental effects for a post round when used. (Roll 2 die and pick the higher)


Some dragons have inherent toxins within their claws and teeth that they can excrete at will and when they choose. This toxin is inherently corrosive and can kill another being within days if the antidote is not aministered.


Due to the many different places where dragons can be found, they have developed an inherent ability to adapt to wherever they tend to be. This also allows for the dragon to need much less oxygen at higher altitudes when flying.


Some dragons are inherently more aerodynamic than others, allowing them to fly with more ease as well as resist the effects of air based abilities. (This adds a +30 against air based attacks and effects)


Some dragons have an inherent resistance to the element of their breath weapon, allowing them to have a +15 to their defense rolls against said element.

Suggest an Ability

Insert a suggested ability to be reviewed.

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